
By greenzowie

Cause now i can see that i love all the things
That you do with each day
And it feels, so damn good
Every second that passes me by With the blink of an eye
It just feels, so damn good
Find the colour, find the colour
- 'Find the colour' Feeder

*hushed tones* Here we see the elusive Shinicus Seekericus spy the early onset of selling Christmas decorations.

Notice as she walks past, her attention is drawn to the shiny sparkly tinsel, on sale for the consumption of those who are preparing early. A quick glance to the side and she dives in to catch her prey - a rare strand of purple tinsel, not often seen in the wild.

This diving technique, never before observed on camera, shows us how this wonderful species survives in the wintermonths, a vestige of the primodial urge to levitate towards anything shiny. This specimen, will at least be guaranteed a sparkly season.

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