
By Nigel

In Miniature

Something different, using the tilt shift generator Adobe AIR app.

And yes it is Edinburgh Waverley for those that asked. Taken from the museum square on my daily lunchtime leg stretch.

So this is 1095 entries as all the folks below so kindly pointed out. I thas been just under 3½ years due to a few periods where it just wasn't possible or I felt that the general day to day happenings were not really valid material for public consumption (not for any unsavoury reasons I might add).

It has continued to be a fulfilling process, the diary I always wanted to keep combined with the daily reminder to at least point and shoot if nothing else, and the ability to poke your nose into everyone else's life (or sense of community as it is more often called :)).

I'll be celebrating all this with a paid up membership, after this length of time it's obviously not a passing fad and probably time to contribute financially.

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