...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Three Hundred Sixty-Five

A professional photographer asked me, "what do you like to shoot most"?
I thought for a moment and started to yammer on about all the different things I shoot and what I like. But I think what I like most, now that I am shooting my 365th of the year, I believe it is foreground with depth of field. It really plays to the artsy side of me. The creative part that makes me say, can you still tell what or who this is in soft focus? And I love flowers. I love the colors and curves. I love getting on the ground (Yes Steve, I admit it) and shooting at a low angle. But most of all, this year long journey, shooting consistently, everyday for a solid year has taught me...I love photography.

I thank you all, who have followed me through this journey of self expression. This challenge to myself to do something everyday for one year has not only pushed me outside of my box, but it has made me see life differently, and got me back into journaling. It has introduced me to new ideas, new friends (fellow blippers), and has taught me more about this art form.

You guys are an amazing community of support and camaraderie. You have made me giggle, LOL, and cry tears of sadness and tears of memories. I have seen parts of the world through your eyes, that I may never get to see first hand. I have learned about your tragedies and victories. I have celebrated your special days and prayed for some of you as you struggled through life. It is a good place to be.

I have made another commitment for this coming year, and I will probably not blip everyday, but I am gonna be OK with that. I am going to try to practice shooting people more this year and continue on my quest for shooting more letters, via nature and architecture.

And that is it....thank you for sneaking a peek...I will comment as much as I can. Thanks again for your support!!! :D


This was shot at Presido Park in San Diego.

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