Our five mile world

By hazyheap

Lorna arrives!

Today Lorna arrived for homemade pheasant broth and sticky ginger pudding and of course the ubiquitous cup of tea. That in itself is not strange because we often have friends and family sharing food with us, but today was different.

Lorna has never visited us alone before.

Her mum would always have been with her.

Tragically and sadly Eileen died a couple of months before her 48th birthday in 2008.
Don't you just hate cancer?

A light certainly went out of my life. I miss that creative and inspirational woman so much.

So today when Lorna arrived, full of life and news of her work ( and play!) withinin the Iona community, I felt very connected to Eileen (and Lorna) again. Lorna also updated us on her sister Heather's new direction in life and her plans for the future.

Message to Eileen:

Your daughter is a joy! She adds and gives meaning to this world. You would be so proud of her. Thanks my lovely!

Lorna, Heather come and visit us anytime!

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