
By superrstine

Vanderbuilt Mansion and One Year Since

Woke up nice and early this morning to go get breakfast with my grandparents who came up to visit me. After that we went to the Vanderbuilt Mansion down the road. The Vanderbuilt family was a very wealthy American family in the late 1800s, early 1900s. They had millions of dollars and land everywhere. Sons and daughters had mansions everywhere and lived lavish lifestyles. They spent most of their money.

This is a picture of my grandfather in front of a tree on the property that the mansion is on. There were no photos allowed inside. This mansion belonged to the youngest son of the family. This son received the least money from his father, but ended up having the most of all of his siblings at the end of it all.

Fun fact: Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbuilt by blood.

After the tour around the mansion, we drove back to my dorm and I said goodbye to my grandparents. Then I went to catch the last quarter of the last football game for the season. We lost in overtime, but it was a really exciting game.

Elissa and I went food shopping and made tacos for dinner.

At 7:00, a remembrance concert for Rob Stone was being held. Rob died one year ago from today. I didn't know him, but from what I have been told he was an amazing person who did all that he could to help children in third world countries. He was taken from this world too soon, but we have not forgotten him at Marist. Five different acapella groups performed. It was a great concert. They raised 1800 dollars to put a bench on campus with Rob's name on it and to donate money to a cause that Rob worked really closely with, Invisible Children. I for one will remember Rob Stone. He has affected my life and I didn't have the privilege of knowing him while he was alive.

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