The Chaos Bros

By vik


Bro3 wanted to go back to the ploughing match in the village today and was not too impressed when I explained that it was only on yesterday so there would be no tractors today..... Not a happy boy, 'But why not today?'

Later this morning I noticed Bri had helpfully blipped some action at the ploughing match and not only that had added more shots on flicker. Numerous runs of the flicker slideshow later Bro3 was happy having had his tractor fix for the day. :-)

He's now requesting more photos so we're on to cracker's fire trucks , very exciting but brings the question, 'Mummy, why are you not a firefighter like that wee boy's mummy?' 'Ermmm, don't know, maybe I'm not brave enough' 'Oh..'

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