In the woods

We set off pretty sharp this morning after cleaning up the bothy and the pace of the walk back to Blair Atholl was good. We stopped briefly in the a wood just above the village and then meandered down the rest of the way. When we got into Blair Atholl it was the start of the rememberance service at the village cenotaph.
I found it a different rememberance to the ones I went to as a child, It still had the minister in his black ghosty gown and the same ministery words that I instantly forget and close my ears to. This time, though, he read the names from the rememberance plaques at the cenotaph and the repeated surnames makes it dawn on you the effect these two wars had on a wee village like Blair Atholl, and again on the whole country.

We caught the bus home and on arriving in Edinburgh I just missed both my buses home so I walked. And after the weekend what a breeze that was.
Thanks Nick for a great weekend.

And now back home, and that is magic too. It was great to see them when I got back here.

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