A moment....

in time....the simple act of paying attention to this particular moment....spent such a wonderful day....started off so slow and quiet, coffee and a good book in a lovely spot in the sunlight....my dearest love close by....slow and pondering life...i love those moments.....and i want to be careful to pay attention to those 'moments' in my life~

Being part of this blip community helps (along with meditation and other spiritual practices) keep me in the moment, in the present .... and really that is all there is~

I came across this blipper a little while ago....and altho i don't know her, or what her life is about....i was so moved ..... this is what we deal with on a daily basis....life changes....and so i am moved to put forward an image that, for a fleeting moment...caught my eye, my attention.....and helps me remember that there are only moments..... we don't know what the next moment will bring...and it is sometimes scary and hopefully magical....i feel gratitude for the life i have right now, and don't for a 'moment' take it for granted.

hope everyone in blipland is having a good and wonderful weekend.

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