Dr. J's Day

By JaniceNgan

Grown up day

Wonderful day - went to yoga with Sae - the first time I really enjoyed a yoga class....finally. I think I never really got it. Maybe I was not strong enough to appreciate the impact of the poses. Anyways, it was awesome and I felt great after the class.

Elo lost her 2nd tooth (S pulled out her tooth, after she mustered up the courage for him to do it).

Ran some errands, then had a nice quiet lunch at home while reading the Sunday paper at home while the guys took the kids for a few hours.

Afterwards the grown ups went for a walk near Stowe, and I managed to step in some poop in my new boots :(

Here's a pic of S contemplating taking a dip in the frigid waters - Jer dared him and the prize was all the cash in his pocket (which was a whopping $140). S came around and decided not to chance it.

Went to a cute store to peruse for a bit, then off to the Trapp Family Lodge for some beers and snacks. A statue of an unknown Saint was above the fireplace and we proceeded to research the heck out of it. Turns out it was good ol' St. Nicholas himself. After a couple of beers, we went for dinner at Frida's.

Great day all around! I think I tend to say that a lot, but that's the way I feel.....

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