My UCI Update Journal

By maxicute


It was time for the nation's midterm elections! It was really hard to know who to vote for because people from both sides spout lies and you just gotta figure out which one is lying the least. When you are voting, you're also trying to tell the future--what will happen when I choose X over Y? My dad's advice was basically, if you don't know what a proposition is, just put "NO" because then basically it means nothing will change.

Voting for governor was the hardest because again, it's always like the lesser of two evils. Also, it was hard to concentrate because my roommate was giving me advice about which way I should vote and then I ended up marking down the circle for the wrong proposition and I was like "AGHHH" and then realized I would've voted that way anyway lol.

BUT IT DIDN'T MATTER IN THE END because when I sealed my voting envelope (I was using a write-in ballot because I am registered in a different county) I realized I didn't take off the ballot ticket and I tried to open it and it ripped so I thought it would be discounted and thus I didn't actually get my vote counted. LOL

Then later that night, we had our first yearbook deadline. We ended up leaving around 2 AM? Or so.

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