The second half of life..

By twigs


It was a good day at work today - we're trialling a new timetable from now until the end of the year - 2 periods - break - 2 periods - lunch - 1 period - home :)
I asked some of the students I had last period how they'd found the new day structure expecting them to be a bit ambivalent, but most of them said they really liked it :) I have to say I like it too - the day just felt like it had more flow to it. I guess it could be a bit different when we have a full teaching load, not just the juniors but if the students are happy then that has to be good :)

I enjoyed a spot of gardening after tea this evening, finally managing to plant the new purchses :) All that's left now is for me to get the hanging baskets done - oh, and some pots and planters too. Looking forward to another hour or so tomorrow evening. This chap caught my eye largely because he is so vibrant and zazzy. It's not too good a shot - I did ask him to turn around and face the camera for the shot but I think he had his ipod turned up too high as he didn't seem to hear me!

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