Rodents rule

By squirk

Black Thursday

We knew the day was coming, and it wasn't nice - the final redundancies were announced today. I thought I was safe, then I wasn't so sure, then I was fine. This stuff is never easy. No one's in the mood for the Christmas party in a couple of weeks.

But there were highs today. A colleague and I escaped the office mid morning to go to Mayfair to see an exhibition of two of my favourite illustrators, in the name of work! I even had to talk to Mr Froud about work stuff, and I was very impressed with his manner and ideas.

On the way back from the exhibition, we saw this sculpture outside the Roysl Academy, and I had to blip it (J asked me in astonishment: 'Do you have your camera with you at all times?'.....)

After work, F and I went to the Royal Geographical Society to hear a talk by Kenton Cool. I do wonder if that's his real name... it's very apt considering he's a mountain climber. He guided Sir Ranulph Fiennes up the north face of the Eiger, and he had many entertaining stories. He's a great speaker.

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