
I think this is the King George VI Bridge in Aberdeen. I get confused which one is which!

Went this morning for a Blip adventure disaster. First I couldn't get parked where I wanted to be, nor anywhere even close. Cue a big walk in 1degree temps. Brrr. Next up, I stepped in a mushy bit of grass and got very wet feet and trousers. bearing in mind it was icy water, this wasn't good! And lastly the bridge I went to take a shot of (rail bridge) looked boring and flat in the shots the way the sun was at that time of day. So all in all a failed expedition. I was in trees and everything trying to get a nice shot. Grrrr

So this bridge from the opposite direction is a backup!

P.S. thanks all once again for the fab comments on yesterdays Blip entry, you all are ace!

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