Photos in A Major

By A


No Blip yesterday, I went out in Manchester with work colleagues and annoyingly forgot to take my camera. Its the first time I have been back in 5 months and I really miss the city, I'm yet to feel as at home in my new location!

Tonight, popped into local supermarket on the way home and picked up a £5 pack of lamb chops for £1.25, because their sell by date was tomorrow. Oh I love sell by date bargins! Luckily K dropped in to assist with the demolition of said chops before they even risked getting close to tomorrow! K had been on a course about Chocolate, with the practical element of making choccies! Apparently she was useless at identifying chocolate until they got onto the dark stuff, then when everyone else was going Urgh, she was in her element!

After chops, watche Fabulous Baker Boys and then listened to Jazz. A thoroughly enjoyable evening!

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