Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

An odd birthday

So, I promised colour and prettiness yesterday and here it is! This is where I spent last night - not too shabby eh?!

Today´s my birthday and it feels odd to have it out here, without family and friends as it´s them who make a birthday feel like a birthday. Although thanks to S who woke me up at 7am with a birthday text!

I had the morning free again to mooch, walk and soak up the peace of this place, before joining the others for a lunch where I discovered that Blackadder is a huge hit in Austria and instantly had someone say: "And I, I WAS that sheep" which is just odd. And then to find that ´allo ´allo is much loved in Serbia. Welcome to my life....

Anyhoo - here I am, in a smoky internet cafe with just 18 mins left of my hour. Bit sad at being on my own here on my birthday, but hey - there are worse places to be than Vienna, so all is good :-)

It's prettier still in large

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