
By Fisherking

That's vengeance he said.............

Cast you mind back to July 8th, a day that will live in infamy. On that day my so called good friend hebs blipped me in her journal "A Plumber's Wife"
A picture of me at a food tasting session, in front of a poster of a cheeky gorilla. Oh the jibes I had to suffer, from friends, colleagues and complete strangers! It left me scarred for life, but I swore I would be revenged just like Russel Crowe in "Gladiator"

My name is Kieranus Atthis Alcedo, Commander of the armies of the North (East), General of the Fishing Legions, Loyal servant to the true Emperor, Sir Alex Ferguson. Father to a Hockey playing Son, Husband to a nursing wife and I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

Well, tonight was the night. It was our Presentation Evening at work, as usual I was meeter and greeter at the entrance,in the icy cold, hebs was inside, in the warm, taking photographs. When I was sure all the guests had arrived I went inside for a medicinal coffee and there she was clicking away.

As she finished and began to pack away I remembered the fateful day, whipped out my camera and started shooting.

Isn't that just the whimpiest air guitar pose you've ever seen? Mind you she was lucky, there is another shot, of her "best aspect" or as she described it "Not the arse shot" but I'm too much of a gentleman to post it here. However if anyone wants a copy just email me.

After being specially nice to the smiling assassin and helping to carry all her gear out to the car in the pouring rain, I escaped to the quiz.

Obviously I wasn't playing tonight but I thought I'd drop in to see how the team were doing,so I set off for St Mary's, another away fixture. I arrived at half-time and was greeted by Phil with the classic line "We're getting stuffed". Assuming he was joking I collected a beer and sat down to peruse the score sheet.

He wasn't joking!!!!!!!!!!
Round 1 6-6
Round 2 12-13
Round 3 18-14
Round 4 20-14

Declining to be a substitute.....they got themselves into the mess they can get themselves out of it.....I settled down for the second half

Round 5 a 6-6 draw Total 26-20
Round 6 a win 6-11 Total 32-31
Round 7 a resounding win 2-10 Total 34-41
Round 8, nearly blew it totally, a loss 5-0

Final score 39-41

So there we have it now, 9 and 0 but a very narrow squeak, scoring 0 in two rounds and 1 in another round.

I was that shocked and gripped by the final closeness I can only remember a few questions.

Which fruit is used to make Calvados?
Which European venue was the first to stage the Winter Olympics twice?
Which US venue has staged the winter Olympics twice?
Which species of wild cat is prefixed by the word Iberian?

The answers?
St Moritz
Lake Placid

That hebs is a lucky girl, the more I think about it I've let her off too lightly.

Das vidanya.

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