Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Mamma Doggie and her pups

There were six in all. Two died as they drifted away from her and she did not bring them close to her. Out of the four survivors, one is very healthy and the other three are just ok. I hope she feeds them this time so that they don't die.

She is quite ferocious currently and growls at everyone who comes near her. I zoomed to take this picture. As it is apparent, the quality is not that good.

Update (6:00 PM): Its evening now and the little pups are drinking their mothers milk and are quite active. I think they will survive. I do hope so.

Can you see all four of them?

Tomorrow is Eid-al-Adha.

Update (10:30 PM): Just checked on the little ones. All four of them are doing well.

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