Mainichi no Kioku

By saki

I took this in the morning when I was on my way to school. (You might realised is pretty similar to yesterday's blip as I took them at the same spot) I thought it will just be another sunny day like yesterday. The scorching sun was above my head and before I knew it, it started pouring at about 3pm.

It always love to rain when is about time for me to go home. I seriously hate going home with my slippers soaked! Is damn irritating!!!

Helped out for the event again and today I got to play a boardgame! Is call 'Weird Tales' and is pretty fun actually.

Finally I switched from IE to Mozilla. I don't know what too me so long. Maybe I am just too used to IE.

OH, yesterday night, I had another long talk with Nika. 4 hours straight and we kept talking about lots of stuff. Great time I had! :D

I can totally see that stack of tutorials waving as me... T_T


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