Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

How snug!

All snug as a bug,
well however a bug may be,
because they don't always look that snug,
but either way,
this is my new suit, nana brought me,
because I refuse to have a blanket,
Nope, I will kick and scream,
till it comes off,
I don't like the hood of the push chair up either,
nope that can stay back,
I didn't like my new suit being put on,
but even I have to admit,
its so warm and comfy!!
I was a big girl today,
I walked to the corner shop with mummy,
holding her hand all the way,
then we got the rice, I handed it to the lady,
then I carried it all the way home,
I am such a clever girl,
I like walking, its such fun

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