Planko's Pics

By planko

Holidays are coming!

Was heading home from work this evening wondering what i was going to blip, when i spotted this out the corner of my eye. Quick u turn, dump the car, camera out and was blipping away.

Livingston had gone mad for it, and there were loads of people standing in front, at the side, on top, inside getting their pictures taken.

Only had a couple of mins to get a shot as was on child pickup duty from grandparents. Luckily this one came out ok with a bit of cropping and adjustment to remove the hoards of people.

Guess this means the Xmas Coke advert will be on the telly now. Never saw a truck on the streets before so must be part of this years marketing campaign. I'm glad it is, as it solved tonight's blip quandary ;)

Hopefully this passes the blip censors.

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