Blipper's Daily (?)

By blipper

Patience, Timing and Balance...

Are three virtues that I find very difficult to acheive for my photography at this time of year.

Patience: My commute is at a fixed time of day so there is a brief period of the year when my journey takes me across the River Forth at the right time of day to experience the sunrise. This happens twice a year, once in November and once in February so I only get a chance to get this picture about twice a year.

Timing: The light changes fast at this time of day and the sky and water light up like this for only a few minutes so you have to be fast to get into position to take the shot.

Balance: At this time of year the pavement is covered in dashing the few hundred yards from the car to the required position for the shot carrying a camera and tripod requires a lot of balance on such a slippery surface.

I'm happy to report that all three came together this morning and this shot is (I believe) an improvement on the last two shots taken last February and November. Now all I have to do is wait until February for my next attempt!

PS: Nice in BIG

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