
By Amalarian


Sorry, have changed this pic. I couldn't stand what I'd done to Luigi in the first one. This is straight from the camera. I have copied comments but did not know how to save them.

This is what I see out of the corner of my eye when in the sitting room. The workmen who come here call this room "La biblioteca," the library, don't they? They are highly amused. What kind of crazy foreigners want so many books? It's a good question.

I don't have a wide angle, don't know how to stitch pictures and can't get back far enough to get all of it and even if I did, all the junk piled in the corner would be visible. Take it from me, there's another section and a half and the bookcase goes around the corner. It's only the tip of the iceberg. His and her offices have his and her massive bookcases. Why? There are even boxes to give away but nobody wants them because they are in Inglese.

I look at these books and think how much bigger the room would look without them. I crave space, clear vistas. It wouldn't be much bigger, would it? Then there is the dust they collect. Finally, we're not likely to read any of them again although some of them are old friends.

Some of the books in the pic are inherited but it beats me how the rest accumulated. A few of mine go back to uni, some were gifts but I'm afraid we plain bought the rest.

I have an arrangement in my office whereby I can reach down and retrieve reference books. Do I? No, it's straight to google.

The little table with the tattered Italian/English dictionary is a family piece. Under it is a "mouseman" stool bought at the Rait Antiques Centre in Perthshire and is a gift from Himself. The little red Victorian chair on the right was bought in Kingussie for £4. It was in a very distressed state and had to be recovered. Then I was distressed when I saw the size of the bill for having it done. That's Luigi, of course, in his daytime bed. He prefers Cloud's king sized one. I made a mess of lightening him in the first upload.

I don't know what to do with all of the books so I suppose inertia and indecision will win out and they will go down with the ship.

NIKON D5000 : f/3.5 : 1/50" : 28mm : ISO 800
viewed 99 times : 21 comments

Like the series Molly.
Great idea.
~ Malc

very interesting. I would love to see the rest of the shelves and also up close so as to see your collection.
~ zahrashah

Oh wonderful library, this is a great series. Beautiful peaceful dog in the background - lovely.
~ MMcF

fantastic library...every home should have its books...
~ benchnotes

You can never have too many books! What a wonderful room.
~ Judith

Oh, I recognise some of these from my own shelves. A wonderful sight. I love to see bookshelves and have too many books myself, but every time I've ever got rid of a book I've regretted it later.... so ours are all staying where they are!
~ chaiselongue

I struggle with the books we have which is just a fraction of yours!
I suppose folks see them as a form of wallpaper if you think about it!
~ snapper

Wonderful shot my friend
Ha ha and no I didn't throw anything just nature at it's best
~ superhero

Re your comment - yes, you can buy just one stick of celery if you want, and in our local shop too. I did get a wider angle on this but it just meant a huge and very boring white van was included in the frame!
~ chaiselongue

I can sympathise about not parting with books - I have far more than any sane person should.
~ TeeJay

Quite a collection - google, ibooks, it'll be all so different in the future.

I liked the term go down with the ship, if not the concept.
~ longshanks

I know exactly what you mean by some books being "old friends". I have a few myself. Two in particular, reference booke for engineers, containing all manner of interesting formulae for calculating this and that. Totally useless now that we have computers of course. Am I ever likely to consult them again.... No! Am I ever going to throw them away... Not on your Nellie! They have been good friends for too long.
~ joesblips

This is great. I love looking at shelves full of books. My grand parents had big bookshelves full and a dictionary on a stand. Even with the google, I still like thumbing through the dictionary. I wish I could have made out more of the titles. I like that the dog bed is there too. Looks like you've got a nice place to sit. :) Have a great day.
~ audioengineear

I'm enjoying this virtual tour. It all looks very cosy, books do that for me. On the laptop screen Luigi looks a bit like a cardboard cut-out, somehow giving this scene a Victorian air. I covet that stool.
~ grace

Get me a comfy chair, I'll curl up with them. Many of my books are in boxes, ready for redecorating the study - they have been there for over a year and we've not even looked at wallpaper yet! I'm glad you have a real dog and not a cardboard cutout.
~ toadally

A home is only a house without books. One of the worst mistakes I ever made during one of my downsizing exercises was to give away hundreds and hundreds of books.

I still see that well-loved copy of The Shooting Party begging for a rainy Sunday afternoon reread...
~ Dotty

PS I grew up 4 miles away from The Mouseman. If my parents ever forgive me, I stand to inherit some very fine furniture ;)
~ Dotty

Ah, so a "name that room" contest is not necessary after all, lol. Bibliotheque suits it just fine. Too bad that you have to hold on to all of those books you no longer have a need for. Would a library in a major city take them, I wonder?
~ dovelily

amazing collection :D i love books, my family love books (luckily lol) my mother was a librarian when i was growing, sadly she moved towns and doesn't like the library here so has moved on. But we have hundreds of books, not all on show. I don't know what will come of them specially with things like the kindles etc coming out. There is nothing quite like sitting down with a book though, the smell, the feel, the comfort.
~ Dodge

wao.. this is one kind.. lovely.. i also love reading NO MATTER WHAT but reading.. and your shelf tempted me to read the tittles.. but i am afraid i am unable to read any thing :(
~ maryam

A very civilised looking room that would be a great place to spend time in. Books do furnish...etc. (I sympathise though.)
Dog looks superimposed, as if collaged, rather odd!
~ ceridwen

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