Bliptures from jayman888

By jayman888

Everyone Deserves to Treat Their Ears

I work from home so spend a fair amount of time sat here.

This morning I liberated my 'spare' hi-fi seperates from the loft and installed them on my desk. I have no idea why it has taken me so long to do this.

Over the past few years I've been heading down the 'Compressed' and 'Convenient' music route against my will. iPods and iPhones and tinny boxy speaker sets when actually I have always been a real Hifi kind a guy.

So as from today, when I'm working from home and not on a conference call or talking to a client I will be listening to FULL, FAT, RICH and ROUND SOUND...

And actually my ipod also sounds pretty good through a proper amp and speakers.

I'm listening to Cheap by Sea Sick Steve whilst I'm posting this.

Go on, give your ears a treat and put your real stereo on.

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