
By trophyeyes

Jelly Beans & Perfume Bottles..

What a intresting day!

Jelly Beans, Slam, Perfume Desigining, Umbrella in bush, Walk home in rain.

We had Jelly Beans whilst playing slam, in graphics me and my teacher were trying to make my perfume bottle - and failing. He is now spending the rest of the evening trying to make it! Bless :)

Walking home, the long way! Found an umbrella in a bush, which was going to be my blip, but it was blurry. Im guessing evelina will make this her blip, either that or a picture of Justin Bieber that we drew on.. he now has blue eyeshadow, red lips, earrings, mascara and blusher. :') hes finally found his sexuality! sorry for JB fans reading this. ^^

Xxx xxX

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