Bald Eagle

By JohnJD

Missing Person

On the 3 Dec 1926 one of the largest manhunts, involving over 1000 police officers, was sparked off when Agatha Christie went missing from her home in Surrey. Her abandoned car was found the same day at the edge of a chalk cliff.

She was discovered 11 days later at the Swan Hydro, now The Old Swan Hotel, in the fashionable and elegant North Yorkshire spa town of Harrogate where she had been enjoying the high life, joining in the balls, dances and palm court entertainment. She had booked in under the name of Theresa Neele - her husband's mistress.

She was recognised by a banjo player in the hotel orchestra who tipped off the police and put an end to the manhunt. Is it still called a manhunt when a woman is involved?

This is another famous Harrogate institution. Any quesses as to what it might be before you take a look?

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