Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Bonfire Night...

You've heard of split personalities? Well, I have split realities. I have the reality in my head (almost always lovely and wonderful) and then I have the reality that I am actually, physically living in (almost always lovely but never as straightforward and perfect as Head Reality).

We had such lovely plans for Bonfire Night. After securing a mahoooosive box of fireworks, we were heading to Porty beach with a lovely bunch of friends to have a big roaring fire, let off loads of fireworks, eat hot dogs with onions and yummy sauces and generally have a blimming lovely night.

Of course, it was pissing down with rain. Of course, Bry had just got his cast off and really should have done absolutely no walking about what so-ever, never mind walking 20 minutes to Porty beach and 20 minutes back again. Of course, I forgot the bloody buggy so I had to cart a very tired and very grumpy Arlo about on my shoulders. Of course, the wind off the sea was insane. Of course I'd left my cardigan at my friends house so I just had a t-shirt on under my coat. Of course, of course, of course.

I wonder if there is a way for me just to move into the reality in my head for good? Of course, I'll take all of you with me. It will be sunny every day (apart from on days where we need it to be perfect and snowy, or perfect and thundery or perfect and windy for our kite flying adventures - but basically, at all times it will always be perfect).

Who's with me?

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