
By dogwithnobrain

Who Knows, What tomorrow will bring

When I was young, in my teens, Troon had a busy harbour, often used by the Royal Navy.

Every year, twice a year there was an exercise carried out over two or three weeks and the town was full of sailors, happy to have a drink (or two or three) with the local girls.

Contrary to popular believe they weren't a bad lot. They were boys away from home, looking for fun to break the monotony of the life at sea. Having a drink with them and a dance at the local disco was a break from the norm. There was nothing serious involved, and (mostly) everyone had a good time.

Then Richard Gere came along with his Officer and a Gentleman, and I dreamed that one day a sailor would meet me, and then come back and get me... My dad said, that was the story of fairytales, and they were all wild and wouldn't come back.

I did meet my sailor, and he did come back to me, so my fairytale did come true.

Why am I telling you this story? This was Toolibelle this morning getting ready for school. Tooli gets ready in a dream state; there is barely a word spoken between her getting up and leaving the house. Today, she completely ground to a halt. Look at her. She was glued to the TV. What was on? Some sailors discussion a charity trip they were commencing on!

Wow She gave me such a grin after that! I'm just waiting for her to tell me her career path has changed again.

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