Mrs Bear

By mrsbear

Wild camping

After getting ready last night, HB and I got up early and headed over to Dartmoor. The break in the weather we'd hoped for had come, we couldnt have asked for a better day ;)

We walked through much squelchy bog, saw one person all the hours we were out walking, stopped and tried to figure out the various standing stone formations (in a rectangle, in a circle..), then found a pitch in the middle of Dartmoor, on one of it's highest spots. Because it was so clear, the temperature dropped pretty suddenly and it was hard to put the tent up (frozen thumbs make unravelling knots difficult!). Once up, we cooked tea, warm in our sleeping bags, venturing out later only to marvel at the night sky. I've never ever seen anything quite so massive, so twinkly, so clear.

A great day ;)

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