Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

The Lazy Lurcher

First off - Big thank you to all of you who posted, starred (sp) and favourited my post last night. It made my day :) I was just messing about in the kitchen sink trying to get the upper hand on my new camera - we have a love hate relationship but last night it played ball

In stark contrast, tonight you have a pet shot!

Reasons why

1. The pressure!!
2. Its been a crap old day weatherwise
3. I had a migraine earlier and its still buzzing around
4. Its Thursday and its midweek mediocrity


Oscar came to us in 2006 from the Brown Street Dog home in Dundee. He was 1 year old and had lived with a single parent family in the centre of the town. Obviously as he grew they realised he was not the dog for him

He came to us full of beans and energy but we soon realised he had a fatal character flaw - he was very choosy in terms of other dogs. This can be problematic and so outdoors he is always on lead. He has his friends - eclectic like himself, a couple of wee yorkies and a doberman. Show him a black lab and he looses the plot. We have tried everything. He has had his own dog trainer. We have coaxed, loved, shouted and cried. He holidays with a pack of around 8 dogs (funnily enough after the first meeting where they turned on him he is as sweet as pie with them). He also on his last soujorn befriended a puppy....

He is a complex beast who will hang dog for Scotland. A great house dog who loves children and human company. An ideal pet, apart from his random madness with other dogs. He lives on nervous tension

Give me a kid any day - much simpler :)

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