Planko's Pics

By planko

Balgay Park Band Stand

Yesterdays blip, considering it was a filler, was amazingly well received and commented upon. Thanks everyone who commented, its nice to have positive encouragement to play!

Still can't believe my blips have been viewed over 10,000 times and people actually like some of them.

So, i thought i would try something using similar colouring today, as i like the look. This band stand is at the back of the park, and I've never seen it used by anyone other than the occasional gaggle of kids lounging about.

The council seem to have restored it at the same time as the Hird Bridge and painted the same bright blue.

Only one other thing to blip in the park before i move onto another one in Dundee. Off work tomorrow, so might get some blipping done before #1 Sons friends arrive for his early birthday activities (not birthday for another 2 weeks yet) they are all officially teenagers (well almost in his case) they are too cool to call it a party or anything; its just some activities and hanging out/chilling so I'm suitably informed ;)


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