Through an optimists_eyes

By lovethislife

She's almost outta here

We moved (almost) everything out of my momma's room tonight, and took it to the condo. This is her (almost) empty room. So much is changing. She's worried that I am going to feel left behind. That's not necessarily how I would describe this feeling, but I am sad. I am incredibly close with my mom and I wouldn't have it any other way. She has taught me so many great things and given me so many powerful tools to use in this life. I fear for how things will be under this roof without her positive energy and drive to make the best of every moment. While living with her we have had too many ridiculously fun memories to count. To be perfectly honest I don't know how I'm going to feel, or what I am going to do without her. She is my strength, and the one person who has always pushed me to find my optimism and use it. I miss her already. Today was a hard day.

"I'm telling myself I?ll be okay. Even on my weakest days, I get a little bit stronger."

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