Another Day

By pcc

Water Fountain

Another super hot day, and no wind - how good is that.
My sister came to town, and to celebrate her birthday we went and had manicure and pedicure, this was the first time she had ever had one in her life, so it was a special treat for her.
For lunch we met up with other female family members for a beautiful lunch at 'Strawberry Fair' which was renowned as the place to go for deserts, but now caters for a whole meal. Delicious.
Later in the day I met up with 4 other Fellow Photographers to run through and discuss a course that we are running on 'Make Better Images' - I have got to say that I play only a small part in it, so I will also learn on this workshop next weekend. There has been an enormous amount of work put into this workshop and I expect it to be a winner for those that attend.
The image put up here is a part of the fountain in the gardens, just across the road from where the workshop will be held. I liked the way it looks as if the birds are sheltering from the rain.

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