a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

My new lens!

First, I'd like to thank everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes yesterday!! Besides being a bit sick, I had a great birthday!!

And.... my hubby bought me the telephoto lens I really wanted! It was something I wanted, but wasn't really expecting, because technically, my camera was an early birthday present from him, even though it came months ago!

I didn't really get a chance to play with it yesterday with it getting so dark out so early, so I quickly picked it up, still comfy in my jammies, this morning. I looked outside from my dining room and spotted this tufted titmouse on the feeder out in the backyard. I snapped a few shots through the window, amazed at how nicely the lens worked and quickly uploaded it on to the computer. Here it is, fresh from the camera....just seconds ago!!

I can't wait to go out and try it while I have a few hours of free time while Jack is at school!

And speaking of school, we had 'parent/teacher conferences' last night with Jacks teacher. He is doing VERY well, and is at the top of the state charts for his age!! Hooray!!

Happy Friday everyone!!

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