Plugging Away

By plugg

Sitting Room in Need

Full marks to me for finding the lost camera. Did you miss me?

Full marks to Guy for getting all his spellings right.

Naomi is watching Harry Potter.

Susie has missed 4 days of school with a nasty bug.

I am soldiering bravely on with a bad cold. (altogether now...) and Nick has man-flu. But he is being brave as well. Full marks to him.

The scene I have unwisely chosen to share with you tonight is the first thing I saw after the camera revealed its hiding place to me this evening,
Full time working (two whole weeks now!) is great, cos I don't have time to pick other people's toys off the floor and put their clean washing away for them.

Tonight Guy is looking forward to watching Pudsey and the cokes are chilling.

I think I might have a more grown-up drink later.

Happy Friday everyone!

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