Robbie's Roots

By robertfelton

Willington Gravel Pit

Restricted to morning & evening blips again today. The drainage lake at Roxton was swathed in mist this morning and you can see some of the resultant captures by following the links at the bottom of the page. As much as I liked those captures I decided to blip something erm.... different (well it is a different body of water anyway). This old gravel pit is beside the A421 Bedford Bypass, and I chose it because I liked the sky and it's reflection on the dark water. Strangely there was no waterfowl on this lake while the next one along was jam packed (will be checking this out when I have more time). BTW this is the same lake where I blipped Emperor Dragonfly Ovipositing back in July.

Best Viewed Large

Roxton Mist Symmetry a slightly different take on yesterdays blip.


Refection in the Mist (No Gorillas)

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