
By dups

Aquatic Lawnmower!

Who put that in there!!!!!! not me!

This is why I don't mow the lawns!

I was washing up after lunch and I noticed that the sound of the mower suddenly went quiet, looking out from the decking I saw nothing but large ripples in the pond, then saw hubby coming out of the pond on his hands and knees soaking wet and still wearing his earmuffs! (should of grabbed the camera) then the phone rang, telepathy, it was Sam so I told him you'd better come and rescue your fathers mower it's in the pond!! He laughed and did arrive with his big truck and a tow rope.

We had only been talking about the very same subject and the lawn mower with a mind of it's own over lunch. It must have heard!.

Luckily Rob didn't hurt himself or his new hip.

Even the fish came round for a look maybe they thought it was a new house for them like a ship wreck!!

Out tonight doing a presentation at a Christmas function, variaty of AV's

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