
By cracker

Median Strip!

Day shift today. One call so far, a false alarm! I went outside the station looking for a blip today and found these little flowers on the median strip near the carpark to the oval next door to us. Beautiful sunny day today so wanted to include that in the photo too!

Our roast tea last night at Joe and Bev's was beautiful! We had a lovely time, Spence had a play with Joe, we had our roast lamb then apple pie and ice cream for dessert and Kaz and I fixed Joe and Bev's set-top boxes for both their TV's!

Kaz and I bought two sets of golf clubs off Ebay so we are going to pick the first set up tomorrow morning and then I will pick the second set up in the afternoon on the way to work! We bought two buggies when we were out shopping yesterday so we are all set now! I think we have another date day coming up on Wednesday so hopefully the weather will be fine and we can play!

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