
By Rioja

The Caped Crusader!

All was safe in the Frew Crew household today, as the superhero's were out in force in the form of the one and only, Caped Crusader!

Lots of jumping between furniture and wrestling Wee Rascal to the floor, through no choice of his own, he was the baddie!

Early kick of today for the Big Team v Hamilton Accies and took Joe to his second game of football - result 2-0 to the Jambo's. Need to take him more often as we've won each time he has been.

I think the only bit he enjoys is the bus trip, right at the front on the top deck and the mascots, who he refers to as the 'Big Teddy Bears'. They are in fact Tigers 'Teenie' and 'Tynie'. Once the game commences, he's gagging to get out for the bus trip back up the road!

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