nogbad's blips

By nogbad

Kentish icon

This is an Oast house and Kent has more than anywhere else. This example, like many, has been converted into a dwelling; there are few hop gardens left in Kent so no need for these charming buildings built to dry the hops.

I know it's a dreadfully boring image but the weather has been dreadfully boring - slightly misty such that colours are muted but not misty enough to be interesting. I took this at Teston on the way back from shopping and you nearly got an even more boring shot but I've spared you that.

Bit more to do on a presentation for next weekend but I might do that on Monday. Time for a cup of tea and a bit more reading - tagine of chicken, lemon and green olives with cous cous later and, maybe, a glass or two of wine. Have a good Saturday evening folks.

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