Such Big eyes

I find her eyes hard to describe,
Not blue, yet not grey,
Not brown, yet not green,
just eyes to melt into,
Unedited, unaltered,
completely natural,
I look into these eyes,
and just find myself mesmerized,
they will get her every were & any were,
even when she has stolen my ipod,
and is happily eating it,
jamming it up, whilst grinning at me,
or when she locks daddy in the bathroom,
refusing to let him out,
a dirty chuckle escaping,
as she wedges the doorstop in tighter,
As she runs away, eyes full of mischief,
waving the wooden spoon round like a lethal weapon,
us parents running for safety rather then confronting her!
On another note, she has learnt to wave bye bye and say it too!!!

(if you look at it large you will see what I mean about her eye color!)

close blip contender!

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