
By spitzimixi

the morning after the night before

as always when things get loud, hot and exciting this little one throws up. and last night was exactly like that. lots of big girls, lots of noise, lots of food, house was too warm and her ears got too full, her eyes nearly broke with the effort of watching everything and instead of the alternative that she uses when it's just us (screaming loudly) she went for quiet, pale, puke up. We spent a fair portion of the night mopping up puke and today she's managed a shower, a sleep, half a white bun, some honey, some herb tea, some more sleep, lying down and some white rice cooked in chicken stock. I'm just hoping that she's feeling better tomorrow as we have 5 hours driving ahead of us (and she pukes in the car) and lunch out with a load of old ladies who love to feed my children whipped cream. At least we know that her stomach will be empty on the way out to Stuttgart. And on the way back we'll just have to drape ourselves with plastic :-/

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