Italian Mom

Meet my 2nd Mom. My Italian Mom! This is my husband's mother.
She is full blooded, one hundred percent Italian. She grew up in San Diego and is a native. She has a great sense of humor and a big heart. She accepted me as a daughter from way back in the beginning. I met her when I was 17, as a shy Junior in high school.

When my hubby and I decided to marry, his dad was very vocal about how "it would never work, how we weren't ready for all of that", at least to me, she never indicated that she had an issue with it. But at 19 & 18 years old, I am sure she did, but she never treated me like she didn't want me around or that she didn't want me to marry her son.

We have been through a lot of things together. and she has always included me as family. With this tradition, the making of the Christmas & New Years meal of cappelletti, she has shared the secrets handed down from her mom, "Nonnie" and her mom's mom and so on. We have been getting together for years to prepare the feast, which takes hours, two or three sessions each.

We made about 385 of them today, there were 7 of us there, (it was a bit crowded) but she made a pot of broth and boiled up about 70 of them, and the 'helpers' always get to sample the pasta. It was really good. They were especially tasty today, since it was raining and cold out.

So this is my mom-in-law, my Italian Mom, whom I love very much! Thank you MOM for always considering me family!!!

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