Nicola's world

By Nmjones

Saturday Indian takeaway!!!

Had a really productive day/week garden a lot clearer my garden had been looking pretty appalling for sometime with many a scattered toy from summer. After many moves I had a shed full of mixed up toys and puzzles and every day during the summer I had time to sort in the garden I moved everything out in the garden then it would p down with rain and I'd have to chuck it back in so now it's bad weather I've been sorting it in the house all week nothing more mind numbing then trying to locate the last piece of the Dora jigsaw puzzle? One day I might have a career again but for now I'm loving my job as a full-time mum but will be happier once my home doesn't resemble a carboot toy sale.

Tonight I've treated myself to a curry and I'm loving every mouthful of it!!!

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