
By anni

Airy silence

The world was lit and silenced by new airy snow this morning. Sneaked out before my kids were set free to go out because after their invasion there wouldn't be much snow left decorating the branches. Afterwards, had a nice one hour run with a friend along the snowy trails. We could even spot some enthusiastic xc skiers already. Afternoon was spent with four girls in the movies. (Yes, it was the Deathly Hallows and we all liked it. Only it's such a long time to wait for the second part!) Easy ready made pizza dinner with friends. It's so good to have a Sunday every now and then!

I realized immediately this morning that snow is giving me new challenges with my fairly new camera. White snow and grayish morning light - so how to deal with that?! I tried overexposure and this is what I got (I've somewhat adjusted this, though).

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