Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Black Boa

Odd sort of a day, spent most of it resting, watching videos, and organizing the apps on the iPhone into a sensible order.

The resting & relaxing bit proved fatal. As happens from time to time, as soon as I do let go my body goes into shock! Yes, really, it's happened since I was a little girl - my mother used to call it zonking out!

So I spent the evening shaking in a cold sweat on the bathroom floor, being tummyishly ill (very rare for me), and eventually just managed to have a bath (couldn't even manage to read the brilliant Lee Child book I'm into at the moment), before falling asleep in bed.

Did take a couple of pictures of pancakes in the morning, but by evening I couldn't think about food, so I snapped this quick picture (with flash) of the black feather boa that hangs on my wardrobe.

Since I'm blipping this the morning after I can report that I feel drained and exhausted, but calmer this morning. Cereal and milk have also been well-received apparently.

Glad it's a gentler week this week than it was last week!

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