
By yourdearsister

This morning this squirrel and two magpies sat close together on the lawn, looking for food.
The squirrel had a magpie on each side. Suddenly one of the magpies tried to bite the squirrel, but the squirrel defended himself and tried to bite the magpie.
All three continued looking after food when one of the magpies tried to attack the squirrel again.

I think the squirrel thought "enough is enough" and got a brilliant idea!
The squirrel climbed up in the tree (only a little bit from the ground) and jumped with a bow against the magpie and attacked him and ran in a hurry into the forrest beside our house.
Suddenly both magpies were gone and the squirrel was save in the forest.
After a while the squirrel came back to fetch some food.

It was amazing how the squirrel defended himself and how fast it all happened! We enjoyed the show!

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