Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Well hello 300!!

Bludy good film, but that aside...!!

(best viewed large!)

daddy said mummy would never make it to 3 let alone 300!

my steps from babyhood to waddling hood,
from great gumminess to vampire teeth,
my determination to try & fernie test everything,
the mayhem and destruction that follows me daily,
No longer the official first blip squishy baby.
but a delightful little toddler,
the fun and frolics that is Fern-Willow,
the friends we have made,
the people we have met,
has made this journal that little bit more fun,
the challenge of making mummy work for her blip a day,
to anyone who has commented/stopped/subscribed,
every single thing is much appreciated,
thank you to the blip community for making,
just one small part of the net,
a friendly, welcome and kind place to be.

(apologies for the poor quality and bad wording, one fern-willow is determined to make this her first typed blip and really didn't help when trying to edit her!! so not helpful!)

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