Clark Tales

By cclark

It's all about the lighting!

Back to work today after 8 days of the most horrible viral throat infection! Penicillin is my friend, even if it taste's rubbish- still got a bottle and a half to finish!

Work was good, haven't seen everyone in pretty much 3 weeks and most of the day was spent around the kettle catching up lol

Tonight I picked up my robes for my graduation from my Law degree which I passed with a Merit - so I'm all set for the big day on Friday! Caught this blip as I parked my car on the way back into my flat - I've blipped this Door before but just love the building and think it's glorious with the Xmas lights - there are even lights like this on at 7am when I rise for work - may do a morning blip one day this week.

Then a mini road trip with the Gillespie sisters one half of which I haven't seen in about a month - so was grand catching up with Jose! X

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