incidental music

By incidentalmusic

The Paragon

Tonight I went to see Raging Bull, which was followed by a Q&A with the editor Thelma Schoonmaker. She's possibly the most influential film editor in Hollywood history (artistically speaking), and has worked hand in glove with Martin Scorsese throughout his career. It was an absolute thrill, and a very moving experience, to see this film in her presence, and to hear her speak about it afterwards. Particularly touching was hearing her relate an anecdote about the reaction of her husband, the great British director Michael Powell, to Scorsese's film 'The Last Temptation of Christ'. She was close to tears telling us about this screening (which was quite near the end of Powell's life), which had moved her husband so much.

We gave her a standing ovation, which is quite a powerful thing in a small room. And, erm, I took this photo on the way back :)

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