Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

I'm not looking

Master Pink didn't want his picture taken, so he is "hiding" from the camera!

Mr Pink had the day off today, and he took me to the first of my new physio sessions. I'm just trying to be positive that it will help this time! We had lunch out with Baby Pink, and did a few bits of shopping. This afternoon, we were grown ups - don't worry it was only for half an hour!! But we decided it was time to think about about the future, and went to see the solicitor about making a will. All very scarey and serious.
Baby Pink went to her Nana and Grandpas for tea, so as a treat we took Master Pink out for tea, he was really well behaved, and really good company. He even went and asked for and got the Bill, unfortunatley we had to pay though!

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